Friday, July 6, 2007

Last Night

We went to the pool last night. Em had one of those swimming suits with the floaties in it and El had a life jacket on, you know the ones for babies with the flap on the back so they can lay on their back and float.

Em swam (kicked) across the pool and back (the long ways). I was really proud of her. El just layed on her back and relaxed sucking her finger (she didn't have a paci so the finger had to do). I had to laugh at her she looked so cute just laying there relaxing. She loves being on her back in the water. We found this out when we did swimming lessons.

We went to the shallow area where Em could walk around. She took El's handle on the top of her life jacket and pulled her around the pool while she was floating. Oh how I wish I had my camera it was really cute!! I missed that Kodak moment.

When we got home we took baths and got ready for bed. Em loves to read and we always read to her every day. She loves the bible stories and picks those most often. We were quizzing her on who is in the bible and she could name: Adam and Eve when asked who was the first man and women God made. Daniel, when asked who was in the lions den. David, when asked who fought Goliath. Joseph, when asked who had a coat with many colors. Baby moses, when asked who was in the water in a basket, and Miriam's brother or what's your baby's name. Esther, when asked who was the queen of Persia and saved the Jews. Joshua, when asked who marched around the city and the walls came down. Jonah, who got swallowed by the whale. Noah, when asked who built the ark and Most importantly Jesus, when asked who is our savior who came to earth as a baby during Christmas.

Sometimes when we ark her, "Em who built the ark?"
She would say "papa and grandma Noah! or grandma and papa built the ark" you know the song says "who built the ark, Noah, Noah. Who built the ark papa Noah built the ark.
She calls B daddy's dad papa so she adds grandma Noah to it also. Em think she has old grandparents!

It is amazing how much they can absorb and I am so glad she is absorbing the good stuff.

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