Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Do you Hear Him Calling?
Do You Hear Him Calling?
By Tracie Miles
“And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep”. Luke 15:5-6 (HCSB)
My family recently went on a vacation to the Caribbean. One beautiful day we ventured onto the white sands and crystal waters, prepared for a wonderful day of sun and fun. This beach offered lots of family activities including paddle boats, kayaks, snorkeling and a water trampoline. Two of my children were not interested in jumping on the water trampoline due to it’s’ long distance from the shore. However, my fearless ten year old daughter was pleading with me to allow her to play on it, assuring me it was perfectly safe. Against my better judgment, but being confident of her swimming abilities, I agreed. About fifteen minutes after she had swum off into the distance, I lost sight of her. I tried to distinguish her little head from all the other bobbing heads in the ocean, but they all looked the same so far away. Out of sheer panic I convinced my husband to swim out and look for her.
After what seemed like forever, he finally reached the trampoline. Although I could not see his face, I could see his body language change as he searched for her on, around, and even under this huge blown up water toy. He jumped off the trampoline and began swimming to another water activity even further into the ocean. He was yelling out her name. Total strangers joined in and began calling her name, as well. Meanwhile I was begging the beach guard to take the rescue boat out. He finally did, but could not locate her. Twenty more minutes passed. I was in a sheer state of panic and despair, tears streaming down my face, barely breathing, and repeating out loud, the words, “No! No! No!” My other two children clung to me, crying and worrying about their sister. My oldest daughter was blaming herself, regretting that she had not gone with her sister to play in the water. In my heart, I fought off the fear that my daughter had perished in the strong currents. I prayed and cried to God for his mercy on her, not to take her little life, but instead to save her. Rescue her. Bring her back to me safely.
Minutes later, as my heart was beating out of my chest, I saw them - my husband, and my little girl, swimming towards the shore. My legs felt weak and I dropped to my knees. I thanked God for this blessing and for His mercy on us. When they finally arrived to shore, I grabbed my precious daughter and held her tightly in my arms. Her confusion quickly turned to tears, because all the while, she had just been having fun and had no idea that we were fretting over where she was. She had been completely unaware that we were frantically searching for her.
Later, as I thought back on this scary ordeal, I thought about how God must ache for His lost children. He loves His children more than I can love my own, and scripture tells us He is yearning to rescue those who are lost (Psalm 50:14-15). Many people live day after day; completely unaware that God is searching for them and frantically calling their name. If you have never truly accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, dear friend, know that He is searching for YOU today, and He wants you to find Him. If you feel like you are drowning in the sea of life, take heart in the truth that Jesus is searching for you, anxiously waiting for the moment when your eyes will meet, and He can wrap His loving arms around you, and rescue you. He is patiently waiting for you to hear Him calling your name, so that He can rejoice in knowing that you have been found. God knows YOUR name… He is calling YOU… are you listening?
Dear Lord, search my heart, call my name, and help me to hear Your loving voice. I want to know You. I am in desperate need of rescue from the churning sea of life. Rescue me Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Hair Station Salvation!
The Lady #2 got in the chair and lady #1 sat in another chair so she could write her check and pay. She ended up saying something about being depressed and on drugs for it, and the #2 lady said something and the #1 lady said "how do you know have you ever been depressed?" #2 said "yes, for 3 years." #1 was hooked and wanted to know what she did to get out of it. #2 said she never took drugs and talk to #1 about some things and told her she would love to get together with her sometimes, being that they don't know each other it may be easier for her to talk to her.
I could tell by the way #2 was talking that she was a christian,but she never went that far with the conversation. She just kept hinting, and pointing her that way. #1 was clueless. I couldn't keep my mouth shut much more (and my mouth usually stay shut if you know me). I moved over a chair and told #1 that she was in a pit and Satan was attacking her, that it is a cycle and she need to break it. I told her about Beth Moore's book "Get out of the Pit."She told me that she didn't believe in Satan, and how do I know what I am talking about, have you been through this? And I said no I have never been in a bad pit of depression, but I have cycles that he attacks me in, we all do. And Satan sure has you blinded if you don't believe in him, he is so real. She then turned and asked #2 lady if she believed in Satan. #2 said "Are you crazy, yes I do!" #2 then started to share more about Jesus and what he could do for her. She told her to go read her bible in the book of John. The lady #2 was concerned that she would have to give up her wine and smoking.
We all shared with her here and there about Jesus and how he can change her life. That Sherry wasn't late cutting hair by accident, but God orchestrated it so we would all be there at the same time. She #1 was there for a reason and God wanted HER. #1 was searching badly. Sherry even gave her testimony, (I have always wondered about her) She knows it all but you just wonder if she is a christian. My question was answered, she is.
In the end Lady #1 went with lady #2 in the back corner and accepted Christ!! Lady #2 gave her a bible she had in her car, and came back in and said she did it, but she doesn't know exactly what she did. I would ask you to pray for Lisa (I think, God knows her name) that she would contact lady #2, lady #2 wants to mentor her and that would be awesome. She is very solid. Pray that she would take all her issues and surrender them completely to Christ.
Who around you is hurting? Are you willing to take the time to point them to the only answer? Some people come into your life that you have no clue who they are, but God put them there for you to point them to him. Will you be willing to say anything? Will you give them the truth you have inside? Stop and be aware of the hurting people around you that need Christ today!
Great reminder!
In Touch Daily Devotionalby Dr. Charles Stanley
July 28-29, 2007 – From Condemnation to Unconditional Love – Ephesians 6:4
God gives parents the awesome privilege of demonstrating His love to children. With support from family and friends, Mom and Dad can help their kids discover the joy and satisfaction of a personal relationship with Jesus.
Sometimes, though, we can become a stumbling block for our children, rather than a bridge to God. For example, it’s important to respond to their efforts with wisdom. Some parents want their kids to succeed so badly they constantly “raise the bar.” If your daughter brings home an A, do expect an A+ next time? When your son finishes third, do you ignore his effort and push him to place second in the next race?
Unless we’re careful, children may mistake their age-appropriate efforts as inadequate and disappointing to their parents. Later in life, they could dangerously assume the same is true of God. Kids might ask, “If I can’t meet my earthly parents’ standards, how can I ever meet the heavenly Father’s?”
We should encourage our children to achieve. But we must be balanced. And we must confirm their identity outside of any dependence on performance. When we do, they’ll know we appreciate them. Not only that, but they’ll believe that God values them, too.
Of course, the desire of all Christian parents is for their children to depend on God and receive Christ as Savior. Parental acceptance and appreciation will help them embrace God’s unconditional love. It will also reinforce the amazing truth that He’s forgiven their sins and erased all condemnation.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Swim Lessons for Em!
Em waiting her turn.
Em swimming back to the side pool.
Em floating on her back.
I didn't get a good pic of her floating on her back. I want to get her face in the picture. I will have to try tonight if the weather permits. It is suppose to rain the rest of the week. I pray it is fine while we are there so she can get the most out of her lessons. She is really enjoying them!
Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm in trouble!!
She is such a little blessing. I have to remind myself of that when she wears me out on some days. Those are not that often, but I know she is truly a gift from God! We are so blessed with 2 sweet girls!
Monday, July 16, 2007
One Less Bag to Sell!
I guess I better get busy working on cutting out another one. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I am glad it sold. I told B-Daddy, all else fells I am going to have a lot of bags, burp cloths, and blankets.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Em!!!!
All in all it turned out to be a great day. Thank you Lord!
Today is my oldest daughter's birthday. Three years ago today God blessed us with a wonderful daughter, we are so privileged to get the opportunity to raise one of God's precious children. We know that our kids are not ours, they are the Lord's and he has given us a great responsibility to love and raise them to know and fear him. We are truly blessed to have 2 great girls. Happy Birthday Em, we love you and El so much.
Mrs. Lauren called us while Em was sleeping and asked if we wanted to bring Em out so she could ride Doodlebug on her birthday after all. It was sunny this afternoon and Em got to ride the pony. Thanks soooooo much Lauren, you are so sweet to think of Em on her special day. You don't know how much you blessed our sweet girl! She enjoyed riding so much. She was sooooo excited!! Em got to see where doodlebug sleeps and her "room" in the barn. You made her day so special, I am sure she will not forget this one! Thanks for loving on our girl!!
El was watching Em ride Doodlebug. She was getting hot, so I "fluffed" her hair!! Do you like the new doo?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Our little Cowgirls coming home for her birthday party!
Ryan is going to be stylish!
Thanks to all the ladies out there that gave their comments on pricing through email. I appreciate your comments, and honesty.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Who Said Boy Stuff Isn't Cute!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Web site up and walking/ jogging not quite running.
Just FYI you can also just type the acronym: http://www.omomsb.com/. That is a lot shorter and easier.
Happy Trails, Big Blue!!
NO that is not B-daddy bending over crying, he is cleaning out Big Blue's tool box.
Big Blue will be leaving us for cooler, dryer, mountainous conditions. Blue is going to Canada to his new home. He was sold to the highest bidder on Ebay. We are told that he is going to be put to use pulling a camping trailer.
Happy trails to you, Blue.
So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good bye.
Your opinion please!
I am asking for your thoughts. The ones below with 2 pictures have 2 different ribbon colors, let me know which one you think looks best.
I think that this one is going to come out really cute. I am thinking of putting it with the one below and making a set out of it.
This is the same print (lighting makes it look like 2 different pinks) with 2 different ribbons. Which one do you like best the brown dots or pink dots? Sorry they are not the same size. I need to work on my picture taken ability.
Which do you like for this one, green or black?
Thanks, I am looking forward to seeing which one of each you like.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The girls are gone for the week.
B-daddy and I are working on my website (mostly B-daddy) I am clueless. I am so blessed to have a husband who is so smart and knows how to do so much!! I am sewing like crazy so I can take pictures and post it on my site especially since my girls aren't here all week.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Burden or a Blessing?
Here is something to think about.
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
Psalm 127:3,5
Many parents today feel like kids are a burden. That's not what the Bible calls them. It doesn't say, "Behold, children are a burden of the Lord," or "Burdened is the man whose quiver is full of them."
Our views have become distorted. What we see as a burden, God sees as a blessing. Some of us need to knock the windows out of our corrupted views and let the Spirit of God come into our homes and refresh our hearts and minds so we can see clearly again that children are a blessing.
Don't get me wrong. Barbara and I will be the first to tell you we are in process with our children. We have failed many times. And I have been so frustrated, after exhausting all rational reasoning, all reward systems and all "biblical approaches," that the only thing left for me to do was yell, throw a box of Kleenexes at the floor, slam the door and walk out-just like my kids do. Which just convinces me that one of God's greatest purposes for parents is to bring us face-to-face with our own depravity.
We want life to be easy, or at least bearable. And when children make our lives difficult, we begin to feel they are burdens. But we fail to realize what God makes clear-our children are gifts from God. God has given us our children for His glory and our good.
When I speak at our FamilyLife Marriage Conferences, I'm always struck by how surprised couples are when I explain that our mates are gifts from God. Why are they so astounded? Don't they know our God? He wants to bless us. He's out for our best interests!
In the same way, you need to receive your children as gifts from God. If you do, your whole attitude will change. No longer will you try to change your kids...no longer will you consider them burdens. Instead, you'll view them as true blessings from God entrusted to you.
Discuss: How do you view your children-as burdens or blessings?
Pray: With your mate, acknowledge your children as gifts from God.
Last Night
Em swam (kicked) across the pool and back (the long ways). I was really proud of her. El just layed on her back and relaxed sucking her finger (she didn't have a paci so the finger had to do). I had to laugh at her she looked so cute just laying there relaxing. She loves being on her back in the water. We found this out when we did swimming lessons.
We went to the shallow area where Em could walk around. She took El's handle on the top of her life jacket and pulled her around the pool while she was floating. Oh how I wish I had my camera it was really cute!! I missed that Kodak moment.
When we got home we took baths and got ready for bed. Em loves to read and we always read to her every day. She loves the bible stories and picks those most often. We were quizzing her on who is in the bible and she could name: Adam and Eve when asked who was the first man and women God made. Daniel, when asked who was in the lions den. David, when asked who fought Goliath. Joseph, when asked who had a coat with many colors. Baby moses, when asked who was in the water in a basket, and Miriam's brother or what's your baby's name. Esther, when asked who was the queen of Persia and saved the Jews. Joshua, when asked who marched around the city and the walls came down. Jonah, who got swallowed by the whale. Noah, when asked who built the ark and Most importantly Jesus, when asked who is our savior who came to earth as a baby during Christmas.
Sometimes when we ark her, "Em who built the ark?"
She would say "papa and grandma Noah! or grandma and papa built the ark" you know the song says "who built the ark, Noah, Noah. Who built the ark papa Noah built the ark.
She calls B daddy's dad papa so she adds grandma Noah to it also. Em think she has old grandparents!
It is amazing how much they can absorb and I am so glad she is absorbing the good stuff.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Mom's purse
Em is looking forward to seeing ya'll this weekend. I know she and El are going to have a great week with ya'll. She is so ready, she keeps asking (every day) if today is her birthday. I tell her that she has to go to your house for the week and when she comes back home we are going to have a birthday party for her. She says "OH, Ok!!" Then the next question is "Are we going to the castle today?" I have to tell her that we are going to have her birthday, El's birthday and cousin E's birthday and then we are going to the castle. And she say "Ohh!" (we are going to Disney in October)
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4th of July
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
We have a name!!
I made some like this for my nephew and just loved them. These were made with some of the left over material.
Example of a taggie!
Example of a silky.
I will let ya'll know when my website is up and running.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Sunday's Best!
These dresses were made so Em would have something to wear with that bow she has on. I made El's bow this morning at 8:15am so she would have one also. B-daddy said that we didn't need to go into all of that this morning (making El a bow), but I insisted that she needed a bow also and that I could have it done in no time. Just for the recorded we were all dressed and ready to go out the door 15 minutes early.
Thanks Granny for keeping my girls looking like a million bucks!
Mom, one of the older ladies at church told me that she couldn't believe you made those dresses. She said that they looked like something you would buy at Neiman Marcus. Great work mom, Thanks for clothing the girls! We Love you!!