Friday, August 10, 2007

El is Partial to her Daddy!

B-Daddy here. Yes, my youungest is partial to her daddy, just not in the way I would like. I was changing her diaper and noticed that she was poopy. I said, "El, you are supposed to let me know when you are poopy so we can have Mommy change those diapers. We are on the same team here, right?" Without hesitation, she began to shake her head no! I said, "What? You think Daddy should change all the poopy diapers?" Without hesitation and right on cue she began to smile and clap! I was somewhat dumbfounded and laughing inside as well. Did my 11 month old really understand what I was saying, or is God just laughing at (or with) me!

I know it was just coincidence, but I'm sure the wife would disagree!

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