Sunday, June 21, 2009

God is Powerful like Diet Coke!

Let me explain, Em went last week to a VBS at a local church. She was unsure about going since she didn't know many kids there. I told her Sunday night that if she didn't have fun and she didn't want to go back she could stay home, but she had to go the first day. She woke up Sunday and I told her that today was VBS! She responded, "But if I don't have fun I don't have to go back!" Well when I picked her up Monday at 12:30 she was all smiles and told me she wanted to go back!

Getting back to the title of this post. On Tuesday they learned that God is powerful. With the reference to Pharaoh and the Israelites getting out of Egypt and the plagues that God brought on Egypt before Pharaoh let them go. I was there a little early so I saw a class in the parking lot chanting "God is Powerful, God is Powerful!" Then there was a person on the side who was shaking a 2-L of Diet Coke. They opened the lid and out spews Diet Coke, like a fountain. So there you have it people, GOD is Powerful like Diet Coke~!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

That's awesome!!!! :o)